
Best of Episodes: Michael Eaton talks Restaurant Magic!

These are show notes taken from an audio interview. To listen to the actual interview, please use the player above. I’m currently taking a holiday break from my regularly scheduled episodes, so for the next few weeks, I’m running my six most downloaded episodes. I’ll be back on the first of the year with brand new episodes!…

057 Amazing Allison Corporate Mentalism

S5E9: Amazing Allison — Corporate Mentalism

These are show notes taken from an audio interview. To listen to the actual interview, please use the player above. In this interview, The Amazing Allison shares her journey with us and offers some valuable insights into performing in corporate venues. The Amazing Allison Campbell is considered to be corporate America’s leading female mentalist and infotainer and has…

000 Kris Sheppard
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Feb 2015 Bonus Episode!

These are show notes taken from an audio interview. To listen to the actual interview, please use the player above. This is a bonus episode, something new I’m trying out. Don’t worry, your regular scheduled interviews will continue uninterrupted. This episode is just me getting behind the mic without an interview, talking to you and sharing whats…

045 Christopher Lyle
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S4E9: Christopher Lyle — Sleightly Delusional Restaurant Magic

These are show notes taken from an audio interview. To listen to the actual interview, please use the player above. In this interview, Christopher Lyle and I talk all about restaurant magic! He offers some great insight into landing gigs, keeping them, and working with the restaurant staff as a team. Christoher Lyle, also known as the…

Michael Eaton is a professional magician from Orlando Florida, one of the official magicians of the Orlando Magic basketball team, and his business and marketing chops are as amazing as his magic chops! During our conversation, we talk in depth about restaurant magic and his approach to performing in them.

S2E5: Michael Eaton — Ninja Restaurant Magic

These are show notes taken from an audio interview. To listen to the actual interview, please use the player above. Michael Eaton is a professional magician from Orlando Florida, one of the official magicians of the Orlando Magic basketball team, and his business and marketing chops are as amazing as his magic chops! During our…